Monday, July 9, 2012

Mexico: The Cost for Freedom

Name this country: An army of cold faced gangsters marching through the desert, leaving a path of drug addictions and death in their wake, and destroying the hopes of the weak and cowardly government. 

If the first answer into your head was the Republic of Mexico, then you are among the majority of American people. Mexico’s reputation is the curious subject of a kind of media justice with eyes wide to events but blind to perspective.

Reputation. What is it? And how does it come about? We like to think that our national opinions are based on solid facts and hard evidence, but it seems that, ironically, the evidence states otherwise; and in a world where information and semi-anonymous transactions are the name of the game, a serious reputation drop creates casualties.

Mexico. Perhaps one of the most reputation dependent countries in the world with 20 million visitors a year, reputation is a great part of the lifeblood of the Mexican economy. So now that the Mexican reputation has become tied to warring cartels, violent killings and drug wars, it may be time to examine the truth behind these allegations and the real impacts on your visit to what is still the most popular international tourist destination on the west coast.

So why has the Mexican reputation taken such a steep dive in the last few years? The answers to this question and a more precise presentation of geographical perspective will hopefully be understood through the next three articles detailing the Epic Times take on the issue.